
La Gomera Download Movie 2019 Online Now eng sub Streaming gomovies

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⁕⁕ La Gomera with star Rodica Lazar

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Rodica Lazar, Catrinel Marlon

Country - Sweden

Tomatometers - 7,3 / 10 star

Writed by - Corneliu Porumboiu

audience score - 1254 Vote

Zvizdači download movie 2016. I guess stingrays can be friendly too! lol. Zvezda c4 8di download movie 2017. First Hit: I was, and even a day later, confused by this story and film.
We're really introduced to Cristi (Vlad Ivanov) and Gilda (Catrinel Marlon) when Gilda walks up to Cristi and asks to speak with him in his apartment. Cristi whispers into her ear that he apartment is bugged, so she kisses him and tells him she'll play the part of a hooker, and they can whisper her request, which is to help her by getting a criminal, Zsolt, out of prison.
In an early scene, Cristi is on a ferry heading to an island where the ancient people use to communicate by whistling. Cristi is part of a plot working with other criminals to free Zsolt and to do this he has to learn the whistling language.
The language breaks vowels and consonants into seven whistling sounds. This lesson in this language was the most exciting part of the film. I was fascinated with Cristi learning how to whistle and wanted to practice, along with him, right in the theater.
As the film develops, some parts led me to believe that the story in the movie was pre-planned, and I missed something as the film progressed. At other times, I felt as though Cristi and Gilda were planning the ending along the way because they'd fallen for each other.
As an undercover detective, Cristi works for an unnamed woman place by Rodica Lazar, who is trying to play both ends of this story.
The result is a film that has the appearance of a storyline running at two different levels, but in the end, the person sitting next to me asked if he missed something about how the ending worked out, I said "I don't know, and I still don't.
Ivanov was quietly compelling as the detective who was also on the take. Marlon was excellent as the woman who seemed totally in control of story behind the plot. Lazar was strong as the head of the investigation and also susceptible to corruption. Corneliu Porumboiu wrote and directed this quizzical story that left me hanging.
Overall: I either missed a critical section of this Romanian film or the story was attempting to be too elusive.


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Zvizdači download movie torrent. Gomeros. Una presente 🙋🙋💚😂 Me alegro que te haya gustado La Gomera. ♥♥. Straight off, this movie is totally different to what you may be used when thinking about Romanian movies. Starting with the story, the cast (Catrinel Marlon is magnificent) the scenery, smart humor and hidden little gems (references to various famous scenes in other movies) this film makes you think you're watching more of a Hollywood movie than a Romanian one, although, as a downside, I must say certain characters seem to be portrayed a bit simplistic.
The story is, to some extent, a typical police one, but the twist of using the whistling language from Gomera Island enriches the plot all around as it unfolds.
I really liked the movie and I would be happy if it sets the new trend in Romanian Cinema.

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La Gomera Download Movie 2019 Online Now eng sub Streaming gomovies - by NjnARKd, March 12, 2020
7.6/ 10stars

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